
Photo: Colourbox
10 OCT

Intelligent patch warns of infected wounds

Infections in surgical wounds make up an estimated two per cent of all hospital expenses in Denmark.

IT and cyber security Bacteria and microorganisms Chemistry
Portfolio Review Meeting AAU Esbjerg
02 MAR

Forskningen styrkes på alle fronter

15 nye forskningsprojekter bliver sat i søen efter årets første tildeling af midler fra Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre. Alle nye projekter har potentiale...

Chemistry Energy and supply Fossil fuels Image analysis Construction and mechanics
Photo: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Five young researchers can step up their research

Five DTU researchers under the age of 40 receive a total of almost DKK 46 million (EUR 6,2 million) from VILLUM FONDEN and can now speed up their research careers.

Chemistry IT and cyber security Physics Mathematics
Foto: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Fem yngre forskere kan fyre op under deres forskning

Fem DTU-forskere under 40 år modtager tilsammen knap 46 mio. kr. fra VILLUM FONDEN og kan nu sætte fart på deres forskningsprojekter.

Chemistry IT and cyber security Physics Mathematics
Photo: Vibeke Hempler
07 MAR

Million-kroner support for the climate and the environment

Innovation Fund Denmark has invested almost DKK 150 million in projects led by DTU. Two themes appear again and again: green transition and the prospect of actual jobs...

Biotechnology Transport and logistics Energy and supply Chemistry Materials Environment and pollution IT and cyber security Materials technology
DTU Kemi - Gymnasiebesøg
16 JAN

Besøg fra Espergærde Gymnasium

180 gymnasieelever fra Espergærde har netop besøgt DTU i en stort tilrettelagt studieretningsdag. DTU Kemi var arrangør og tovholder på dagen, hvor fire DTU-institutter...

Chemistry Mathematics Physics IT and cyber security Climate and nature

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